
On the Couch
At the Office
In the Library
Through the Mirror
March 1, 2008--Commentary
So, I was a little emotional about the fact that Iron Lore shut its doors, and I opened my big mouth, probably more than I should have.  Regardless of the surrounding debates about piracy and its impact, I hope the one thing that doesn't get lost is how incredible the accomplishments are of the team at that studio.  The real point here is that developing a core gamer's game is terribly difficult, the odds of success are long, and the team did a phenomenal job with Titan Quest, its expansion, and the Dawn of War expansion as well.  Though the studio is shut down, hopefully its people and their great work will not be forgotten.  Working with them has certainly been one of the highlights of my career.

March 1, 2008--GDC Presentation
Okay, the slides are now available here (you can do the "right-click and save as" thing if you want your own copy).  I was a little disappointed by the turnout for the talk, but then again, I was up against both the producer's group gathering and Star Wars.  I'll be curious to see what the feedback was on the talk itself when those numbers are available.  For those of you who go to GDC, yes, we really do care what numbers you circle.

July 20, 2007--Commentary
People sometimes complain that the games industry puts out a lot of the same type of game (pirates, ninjas, westerns) all at the same time.  While one could chalk this up to the collective unconscious, I've always thought that it's simply that similar people in different places have similar ideas at about the same time.  Well, apparently, this happens in the games journalism biz as well, because within about a month of my airing my issues with the field, suddenly articles start cropping up dealing with similar issues.  Here's the good and the bad of it, if you're interested.

July 1, 2007--New Content
I'm trying to be a little better about actually putting content on the site, and a recent forum discussion inspired me to write up one of the exercises I use when evaluating candidates for design jobs.

The Game Designer Interview Exercise
The question of how to get a job as a game designer is a perennial one.  Designer is one of the "sexy" jobs in game development, particularly as the common misconception of it is that you get to sit around and think up game ideas all day.  While I've covered the basics of getting a job as a designer elsewhere, I thought I'd walk through one of the exercises I use when interviewing designers to give a more in-depth view of the specific kinds of things potential employers may be looking for.  This is something that I've developed and refined over several years, and while not foolproof, it has been remarkably successful in separating out the wheat from the chaff at the phone interview stage. more...

June 24, 2007--New Content
So I've had some things bubbling about in my head about the games press, and I finally decided to write some down.  I hope this doesn't get me into trouble, as they've got a much bigger soapbox than I do.

Random Thoughts on Games Journalism
There are certain things you can count on from games journalists, among them Top X lists and navel-gazing.  The former is an easy tool for filling up space and generating conversation, the latter an inevitable side effect of taking what you do seriously.  While that may seem like a contradiction at first, I think it speaks to the diversity of practice in games journalism today.  A couple of recent reflective articles on myths of game journalism and reviews have inspired me to put down a few of my own random thoughts on these practices. more...

March 17, 2007--New Content
GDC 2007 Random Notes
GDC is my favorite game industry event.  As someone with an academic bent, having several thousand developers gathered in the same place talking about everything from specific production issues to the state and future of the industry to process and relationship structures is just bound to be a good time.  On top of that, it's a great opportunity to touch base with various people I've worked with and get into ridiculous conversations.  There's plenty of coverage (and more coming, no doubt) on the talks themselves, so here are just a few quick hits on things that likely won't get discussed elsewhere. more...

February 11, 2007--New Content
Wow, almost a year between updates.  I think that's a new record.  It is also, of course, a testament to how busy things have been.  In spite of that, an offhand moment from a TV show caught my eye as something much more significant, and so we have a rare new edition to the cultural criticism section:

The N Word
The use of the N word in American culture is a highly contested and potentially explosive territory.  In a country where racial divisions have been a defining characteristic for over four hundred years, where domestic slavery was widespread a hundred and sixty years ago, and where as recently as forty years ago, major civil rights legislation had to be agitated for, the use of a word that was historically disparaging and used primarily by the dominant White culture can stir very strong emotions.  There are those who believe no one should use this word; there are those who believe that only Black people can legitimately use this word; there are those who believe that the word can only be used in specific contexts.  So, the use of this word in a popular prime-time drama-comedy series on major network television could be expected to raise quite an outcry.  Only it hasn't, and I find this quite interesting, particularly since this event not only evoked the word but also brought in a context that is racially complex and raises serious questions of authorship and performance. more...

February 12, 2006--New Content
In spite of all my best efforts, the project of finding, or making, a formal language of game design continues to catch at people's minds, much to my chagrin.  My last exposure to this virus has brought some new clarity to my understanding of both the problem and my reaction to it, so we have a new rant:

Platonism and Game Design Theory
So, I've been against a formal language of game design for a while now.  Last year at GDC, Raph Koster gave a talk on a formal notation system for game design, which was close enough to get my hackles up, and presented more or less the same system in his book A Theory of Fun for Game Design.  Just recently I ran into another, similar proposal from someone else entirely, and the ensuing discussion helped me to clarify for myself why I object to these types of approaches so vehemently. more...

December 14, 2005--New Content
So, the concept  of a "creative crisis" in the game industry continues to roll right along.  In spite of all the evidence to the contrary and various public debunkings, it's taken on a life of its own and, as propaganda is wont to do, is quickly becoming a self-evident truth.  One of the common pieces of this meme is that it's the suits who are to blame for it, and for most everything else wrong with the industry.  So, in spite of the busy schedule, I managed to channel my frustration into a new article:

The View from the Other Side: So, I'm a Suit
Well, actually I'm more of a button-down shirt and jeans guy, but metaphorically, I am definitely a suit.  I work for a publisher; I make decisions about what games will and will not do on the design side; I take pitches from developers and help decide which ones are going to get funding; I look at the budgets and the bottom lines and make calls about whether a project is ready to ship or not.  So, when developers or gamers blame the suits, I'm the guy they're talking about. more...

Hopefully, I'll be able to make it through the holidays without having to vent again.

December 4, 2005--New Content
Well, things continue to be hectic around here, with two of my projects going into the finaling phase and two others ramping up towards full production.  With the holidays just around the corner, I expect it will be a while before I have the time or energy to write much on the site.  Given the history of sporadic updates, this probably surprises you not at all.

But in the meantime, I have a new piece on the games business:

The View from the Other Side: Developer's Bill of Rights
Recently, Eric Zimmerman posted his take on a Developer's Bill of Rights on Gamasutra.  Based on a similar piece for the comics industry, it attempts to address what are seen as common shortcomings in the business landscape for game developers.  Certainly, there are some points that seem reasonable, and there are some that are just common-sense, but there are also several that I see problems with from the publishing side. more...  

I also was, um, inspired to finally drop something into the culture section:

Have a Nice Day?
So, my morning routine involves watching MTV.  Okay, actually VH-1 Classic, that's how old I am, but I'll occasionally cruise through the other music video channels when there's nothing I'm interested in watching.  Generally, this makes me grumpy, since they'll play the same damn crappy videos on four of the five channels I tend to cycle between, and the only thing worse than seeing a crappy video is to see the same crappy video being pushed all over the place.  Which brings me to Bon Jovi.  more...  

Also, I updated the biography with the last year's changes, and the Neighborhood section has been updated with a few more links.

October 1, 2005--New Content
Looking back through some old forum posts I'd made, I found a discussion of the difficulties of getting co-operative multiplayer into a game.  Since it's as difficult today as it was back then, I've cleaned it up a bit and put it together as an article.

Why Co-op Is Harder Than It Looks
Co-operative multiplayer is one of those features that can be really tricky to get into a game.  There's a relatively small, but dedicated, fanbase that likes to play games co-operatively.  Because they often play on local networks, it's difficult to get an accurate measure of how many people use this game mode, as opposed to adversarial, which gamers are more likely to play against strangers, i.e. over the internet.  Playing co-op over a network, gamers will often use the same copy on multiple machines, which means that you can't necessarily translate numbers of players into numbers of copies sold.  On top of that, co-op play has a number of technical and design implications that can be particularly tricky to handle.  From the player's perspective, though, it seems like a given that if you can support single-player and adversarial multiplayer, co-operative should be possible.  This article lays out a few of the reasons why you don't see co-op in as many games, or with as much robustness, as you might expect. more...

Also, a small update on the last piece.  Apparently, Greg Costikyan has decided to put his manifesto into action, starting a new distribution partner for developers called, appropriately enough, Manifesto Games.  While I wish him luck in this new endeavor, I fully expect it to fail, for all of the reasons detailed in my piece.

September 23, 2005--New Content
Wow.  It's been a little over a year since the last actual content update.  It has been a crazy, crazy, busy time.  Around this time last year, I was interviewing with my new company, and the transitions (from one coast to the other, from college town to metropolis, from single to married, from development to publishing, from production to management) have been challenging, in the good sense that I've been stretched and have grown and learned a tremendous amount.  Part of that learning has involved looking at things from the publishing end, and so I offer up the first of what I think will be a series of articles based on that new perspective.

The View from the Other Side: Death to the Industry?
There's a piece that's been making the rounds, Greg Costikyan's "Death to the Games Industry".  My understanding is that this started as a GDC rant, and since then he's turned it into a full presentation and is now publishing an extended version in a new online gaming magazine, The Escapist.  The gist of Costikyan's argument is that the economics of game development are out of whack and this is hampering creativity in the industry.  more...

March 19, 2005--GDC Presentation
Okay, so we're pretty much in the last stages of moving in (a few boxes in the guest room, a pile of trash in the garage, and a lot of pictures we have to figure out where we're going to hang), but things continue at the nuttiest of paces between GDC, business trips, preparations for E3, and the wedding that will soon be upon us.

In the meantime, though, for those of you who went to my talk and are looking for the slides, the PowerPoint is here. (You may need to right-click and save as; I'm still working on figuring out all the appropriate tags.)  If you don't have PowerPoint installed, you can get the viewer from here.

February 15, 2005--Status Update
Okay, well it looks like the re-hosting has gone off without a hitch, although if you find any broken links, feel free to report them using the address in the Mailbox section.

We're still in the middle of relocating to LA (we're out here, but not into our apartment yet), so it will be a while before I can do any real updates to the site, but there are lots of things I've got in mind to write.  LA is an odd, odd place, and it was the classic long, strange trip to get out here.

December 13, 2004--On Hiatus
Well, the site has unofficially been on hiatus for a while now, but I guess it's time to make it official.  One of the reasons why there hasn't been any new content in a while is that I've been busy looking for a new job, and now that I've found one, I'm busy with getting everything arranged to move across the country.  Since this web-space is tied to my home ISP account (which will, in all likelihood, be cancelled in a month or so), I don't know how long this site will even stay up.  I guess it's time to look into a little more permanent web-hosting solution.  In the meantime, a few links.

If you haven't seen it, I got into a great bitch-slap fest with the folks at Grand Text Auto.

This is the last game I was working on at Red Storm.

Here is where I will be going next.

If you liked the text version, I'll be doing a live version of "Pitfalls of the Working Lead Designer" at the next GDC.

Thanks to everyone who dropped by and took the time to read, especially those of you who sent me nice e-mails.  Once I get re-settled, I'll probably put some version of this site back up in greener fields and pastures new.  After all, what's a pastoral without a decent troll?

August 1, 2004--New Content
I like to drop in on the IGDA forums from time to time, mostly because it's a place that a lot of people who want to be involved in the industry go.  You get a little conversation between people who are actually working in the industry, but mostly it's a lot of folks on the outside who would like to be on the inside.  Giving them the benefit of my experience feels a little like giving back to the community.

One of the things that you get, though, is people with game design ideas who don't really understand game design; this isn't that uncommon in other places, but it happens there a lot because there's a forum devoted to design.  A recent thread inspired me to put together a few notes on general things that non-designers don't consider when they're throwing out ideas.

Five Things Non-Designers Tend to Forget
One of the things about working in commercial game design is that everybody you run into thinks they can do your job.  Players think that because they've played the game and know it from that angle, they can improve on the design.  The people you work with think that since they've developed the game and know it from that angle, they can improve on the design.  Hobbyists who have done design in their spare time think of themselves as designers, so they think they can improve on the design. Random strangers think that game design is just sitting around playing games and thinking up ideas, and since they've done that, they think they can improve on the design.  Designers love to bitch about this, but I think it's more important to educate people, to get them closer to the design frame of mind so to speak, and thus I offer up some of the most common things people tend to forget about when they're playing at design. more...

July 13, 2004--New Content
Sometimes, the stuff I read in the game studies "blogosphere" really ticks me off.  Occasionally, it's enough that I sit down and write a response.

The Parable of Irony
This one takes a little bit of a setup.  Simon Penny wrote an article called "Representation, Enaction, and the Ethics of Simulation" for a collection of essays called First Person.  Sections of this book are being published over at the Electronic Book Review, and one of the benefits of this re-publishing is that it allows for comments by other thinkers on the same subjects.  Jan van Looy wrote a response to Penny's article, in which he accused Penny of re-hashing the "violent games produce violent behaviors" debate and argued against that position.  Penny wrote his own response, in which he disavowed the position that van Looy had attributed to him and claimed that he was making a much smaller and more focused point, which he accused van Looy of having missed and unfairly dismissed. more...

June 27, 2004--Commentary
So, this site has been up now for a little over a year.  For most of its life, it's been safely hidden away, with no links to it anywhere.  No one came here, because no one knew it existed or how to get here.  Slowly, I've started to leak its existence and location to a few people I've argued with, a few people I work with, and a few people whose opinions I just generally respect.  I have to admit, I'm profoundly ambivalent about the site becoming more public.

On the one hand, there's little point in writing all this stuff down if no one else is going to read it.  I mean, writing about something does always help me to structure my thoughts more formally, and there's a certain pleasure in writing, at least when it works, but ultimately if I didn't want anyone else to read it, I wouldn't have written it, much less published it.  Sure, it's handy to have a repository for some of the frequently asked questions (like the jobs piece), or a record of transient conversations (like the copied forum posts), but a lot of what I'm saying here doesn't have any value without actually being read by someone who doesn't already know what I'm saying.

On the other hand, it's much easier to hold forth as an expert when you know that expertise is never going to be challenged.  The flaws of logic and presentation, the self-indulgent rhetoric and diction, the primitive state of the site itself, none of that mattered when it was simply a private repository, a place to hold some of my thoughts in case I ever needed to point someone to them.  If people start coming here, then this persona I've created actually begins to have life in it; I become responsible to it, tied forever to its words and postures.  People will take the impression of the person that is expressed in this writing, and for them it will be who I am.  I'm not sure I'm ready for that.  It was with some small terror that I realized the other day that this site is actually listed now with the major search engines.  I guess I was already pushing it into the public eye, so to speak, and there are already more people who have visited than have actually mentioned it.  Having opened the door and invited folks in, I suppose it's time to take the consequences for what they are.

So, to you who have walked through this door, I bid you welcome.  If it makes an impression, for good or for ill, by all means, let me know.

June 27, 2004--New Content
The latest in the ongoing "pitfalls" series.

Pitfalls of the Working Game Designer: Bright, Shiny Objects
Most of the game developers I know play a lot of games.  On one level, this is simply because the people who are most likely to get into making games are the ones who love playing games.  On another level, though, it can be a critical part of doing your job.  As a designer, specifically, it's important to know how other people are tackling problems you might face in your project, what the audiences are responding to positively and negatively, where innovation succeeds and fails, and generally what the standards are for games in the industry.  However, there are dangers lurking in this process, and one in particular that I'm going to focus on is the bright, shiny object. more...

June 12, 2004--New Content
The concept of "sandbox" games has been bugging me for a while.  After seeing a description of a talk on the subject, I decided to write down some of my own thoughts on the topic.

Pissing in the Sandbox: What's in an Analogy?

The term "sandbox" in relation to games is one of the most used and misunderstood in talk about games today.  Largely due to the commercial success and cultural high profile of Grand Theft Auto 3, "sandbox" has become on of those grail-like features: if only we can discover its whereabouts, gaming will achieve a glorious new future.  While it would be easy enough to rail against this phenomenon's status as the newest "bright, shiny object", I believe there is a more fundamental problem with the concept itself and the way it is being used. more...

June 5, 2004--New Content
Two new pieces in the ongoing "pitfalls" series.

Pitfalls of the Working Game Designer: More and More Features
Feature creep is a well-documented bane of game development: growing the feature set for a project over time, while not making corresponding cuts or adjusting the schedule.  Adding more and more work, but expecting the schedule to stay the same, is a recipe for disaster. more...

Pitfalls of the Working Game Designer: The Devil's in the Documents
Every job description I’ve ever read for a design position includes a line like “excellent verbal and written communication skills a necessity”, and for good reason.  Aside from meetings, what designers do more than anything else is write documents.  It should come as no surprise, then, that there are many dangers in documentation. more...

June 2, 2004--New Content
Continuing the series of short pieces about the realities and minefields of working as a commercial game designer, here's a new trap.

Pitfalls of the Working Game Designer: Believing the Hype
Design has a lot more to do with marketing than many designers would like to admit.  more...

May 30, 2004--New Content
Inspired by some of the conversations I've seen in the game studies blogs, I've written my own little manifesto.  It's very rough, and a bit polemical, but I think there's a few good bits in there.

Game Studies: A Model
This is a collection of some of my thoughts on game studies--where it's going, what it should be, who should be doing it, and how.  Along the way, there's also some ranting about what's wrong with how it's being done today. more...

May 30, 2004--Update
I added a few links related to the below-mentioned journeys through game studies blog space to the Neighborhood.  These are by no means exhaustive, but among the list of places I find interesting to lurk, and occasionally comment on.

May 30, 2004--New Content
So, I recently discovered the game studies blog world.  It seems that there are all these very bright folks out there in the world taking note of and discussing all sorts of issues having to do with games and the studies thereof.  Now, the incredible part of this is that some of these people actually update their sites every day.  Boy, does that make me feel like a slacker.

But, it finally inspired me to put some short pieces I've written up on the site.

Pitfalls of the Working Game Designer: An Introduction
I hear it time and time again: “Game design must be the best job in the world.  You sit around, think up game ideas, and then you get to play the game you’ve always wanted.”  As compelling a fantasy as this is, though, it has very little relation to the realities of working as a game designer in a commercial studio.  This series of short pieces identifies specific issues that come up in the day to day business of game design. more...

Pitfalls of the Working Game Designer: Not Defining Design
It may seem like a no-brainer that the role of the designer on a team needs to be defined.  However, as fundamental as this is, there is no standard definition you can rely on. more...

Pitfalls of the Working Game Designer: Too Many Cooks
When it comes to design, everyone has ideas.  This is not a good thing. more...

October 12, 2003--New Content

Well, spurred on by yet another pointless article on the topic, I finally put together my rant against the formal language project:

Against a Formal Language for Game Design
There have, unfortunately been a number of calls for such a thing.  This article discusses why it's a bad idea. more...

There were a few relatively minor tweaks to some of the other articles as I realized some of my navigation tools were redundant.  Ah, well, live and learn.  I still need to get that whole frames thing working.  Yes, I realize it's not rocket science, but it might as well be for the time I have available to spend on it.

October 4, 2003--Update
Well, it seems like the older I get, the faster the time goes by.  I offer as witness the increasing gaps between updates.  Well, I did go back through the job article and separated the glossary out into a separate window.  While it will now update appropriately when you click on the links, it will not, unfortunately, come to the front.  I'm afraid I may need to delve into the world of frames sooner rather than later if I want some of this navigation stuff to work.  Sigh.

Who has the time?

July 13, 2003--Update
Wow, I can't believe it's been over a month since the last update.  Been very busy at work, I guess.  I now have a much greater appreciation for sites that go un-modified for long periods of time.

Anyway, just a mini-update to the Neighborhood section, adding a couple of additional places that I realized are landmarks in my mental map of the net.

May 26, 2003--Update
Okay, I went through and put all the links in the job article, populated the glossary, and filled out the resource section a bit.  I need to figure out how to do a good linking system for the glossary terms, though, since I don't want to have to create named anchors for both ends of each link.  That one will require a little research.

In the meantime, I figured out how to make the links spawn new browser windows, so I've gone through and updated all the stuff external to this site.  If you find an external link that doesn't spawn a new window (or is otherwise broken), let me know through the address in the Mailbox section.

May 25, 2003--New Content
One of the things I've wanted to put on the web for a while, and one of my reasons for creating this site, was an article on getting a job in gaming.  I've got the rough draft of it put together, but the project has grown under my fingers, so to speak, so there's still a long way to go.

Getting a Job in the Gaming Industry
As someone who works in the industry, this is something I get asked about a lot, so I decided to go ahead and document what I know about the process in one place for easy reference.  more...

The next step will be to flesh out the resource section, hyperlink all the appropriate stuff, and populate the glossary, but that's probably another full day's work, so I'm going to leave it here for now.

May 21, 2003--Update

Well, I was out of town last week at E3, so not much happening here on the site.  I hope to get some more time to work on it this weekend.  In the meantime, I have posted the first game industry content:

E3 2003 Impressions
Well, believe it or not, this was my first trip to E3 (for the acronymically challenged, that's the Electronic Entertainment Expo, the biggest shill-session the games industry puts on each year).  The show floor was everything I expected it to be (too loud, too crowded, overloaded with screens and flashing lights), and LA was significantly nicer than I expected.  more...

I'm also trying to make sure that each section has something in it (although that may take a while with the Mailbox section, since I doubt anyone even knows this site exists), so here's the first installment from the library:

The Fallacy of the Future

While fans of Neal Stephenson may appreciate the fantasy of a world where nanobots can create just about any product out of some raw form of matter, the elision between “Designers at Adidas print prototypes of their shoe soles” and “Other companies prototype toys, dinnerware, bottles, golf clubs, jet skis, and so on” in consecutive sentences should give anyone pause. more...

May 11, 2003--First Content
After a few issues with the server going up and down, and having to find a free FTP client (SmartFTP) to fix my directory structure, I managed to get all the root pages up and links between them working.  Everything is very rudimentary, still, but the architecture is at least in place.  I've also put in the first real content for the site:

Who am I?
I have had many names in many places, which is only fitting because I am not always the same person. I have been Zolton. I have been Eyejinx. If you've seen me in a beta-test or public forum, one of those names is probably how you know me. more...

The Neighborhood section is also live now with links to some of my favorite haunts on the web.

May 11, 2003--First Layout
I finally found a free WYSIWYG editor (Netscape Composer) that I could work with, so it's time to start putting the site together.  So far, all I have is a general architecture and style in mind.  Someday soon, I hope to do some research into frames and turn that table up there into a navigation frame.  For now, I think I'm just going to try and get the actual root pages up with some hyper-links.

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On the Couch
At the Office
In the Library
Through the Mirror

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